
Selected News Stories

 Latin American Advisor - Reoccurring

12/2/2022 NPR: AfghanEvac Coverage

1/8/2021 POLITICO: Morning Defense

1/6/2021 #NatSecGirlSquad:  Statement on Attack at the US Capitol Building

11/20/2020  PBS NewsHour: ‘Our time is now.’ With Biden, women in national security see chance to fix imbalance

11/20/2020 Forbes: 7 Female Powerhouses Tackling Male-Dominated Industries

10/21/2020 Georgetown Security Studies Review: Who’s in the Room? Part II: The Case for Women’s Voices in National Security

7/10/2020 Clearance Jobs: How Diversity and Inclusion Drive Innovation in National Security

6/24/2020 Defense News: No Ma’am: Pentagon down to just handful of women appointees, spotlighting history of inequality

5/27/2020 Cision PR NewsWire: Guidehouse and #NatSecGirlSquad Analyze State of Diversity in National Security

5/15/2020 Guidehouse: What It Looks Like vs. What It Is: Building Competent Diversity in National Security

4/28/2020 Clearance Jobs: Intelligence Collection & Analysis Anti-Viral Webinar with #NatSecGirlSquad

3/2/2020 Clearance Jobs: Clearance Jobs: Why Does Diversity Matter? – Ask #NatSecGirlSquad

2/14/2020 Government Executive: FBI Has Failed to Move the Needle on Diversity Over the Past Decade, Despite Efforts of Recent Directors

12/27/2019 NPR: From A Hashtag To A Movement: #NatSecGirlSquad Empowers Women In National Security

12/12/2019 Government Executive: It’s Time to Reform Intelligence Community Hiring Practices


11/22/2019 M.M. LaFleur: The Founder of #NatSecGirlSquad Wants More Women in National Security

11/12/19 Clearance Jobs: #NatSecGirlSquad: Working to Build a Competent, Diverse National Security Community

7/6/2019 NPR: Women In National Security Push To Move Beyond 'The First' And 'The Only'

1/28/2019 Real Clear Defense: #NatSecGirl Squad: The Conference Edition White Paper — The Role of the Intelligence Community in National Security and Defense

1/7/2019 Real Clear Defense: #NatSecGirl Squad: The Conference Edition White Paper — Communicating with Non-Experts